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SkotOS on the brink of the rewrite

A technical summary of the state of the SkotOS mudlib -- the beginning we've made on SkotOS 2.0, all the abilities that SkotOS 1.* has, and perhaps ome discussion on how those abilities will survive the rewrite.

Components of SkotOS 2.0

All versions of SkotOS run on DGD and rely on DGD's kernel library. SkotOS 1.* requires the Skotos branch of DGD featuring network extensions, where SkotOS 2.0 will run on Dworkin's own distribution.

The Base

All versions of SkotOS are modular. They all contain base code which implements ~System and basic toolkit libraries, and they all add modules onto the base to provide higher level functionality. Modules depend upon one another so that loading one may first trigger the automatic load of another, which in turn may trigger another, and so on. Before the release, some code may be moved out of ~System and into a new, unpriviliged user, e.g. ~SkotOS, but still considered part of the base.

Major services implemented in ~System:

Apart from ~System, the base includes /lib which holds a number of pure toolkit libraries whose functions are all static and which have no internal state as well as a bunch of interfaces for abstract datatypes. Finally, under /c/lib, there reside a number of concrete implementations of those datatypes.

The HTTP Module

This module answers HTTP requests on ports that can be claimed and configured by external entities, and converts them into LPC calls on those external port handlers. There's quite a bit to it, but in the interest of brevity suffice it to say that SkotOS games can be quite web-centric.

The Merry Module

Merry, the in-game imperative scripting language, has emerged as possibly the single most important component in SkotOS. Not only individual games but also increasing amounts of the world simulation itself is written in Merry.

The language itself is merely a decorated and sandboxed form of LPC; the decorations are turned into 100% LPC, and the result is compiled. In other words, every Merry script becomes a program, with the obvious efficiency benefits.

The SAM Module

Where Merry is imperative, SAM is functional. SAM -- essentially marked-up text -- always evaluates to a string, and should never have side-effects. SAM can also be seen as a dynamic template language like e.g. Java ServerPages and, indeed, dynamic HTML is as important an application of SAM as is e.g. room descriptions.

A lisp-like syntax controls the dynamic evaluation of SAM. The exact syntax is currently up in the air a bit (SAM is being completely reconsidered for SkotOS 2.0), but an (unimaginative) example room could look something like:

    You are in a pasture. You see [size $cows] cows here:
      [foreach $cow in $cows do
        "A $(cow.colour) cow. "
    You also see an old abandoned farmhouse.

SAM is easily extended by in-game developers: commands such as 'foreach' and 'size' can be written for SAM in Merry. SAM can also inline Merry directly, though overuse of this feature is discouraged, as it tends to make the text rather cryptic.

Code from SkotOS 1.*

While the modules listed above form the solid foundation of all other Skotos code, they actually represent a fairly minor portion of the mudlib. Thousands upon thousands of lines of LPC will be first considered and then either dismissed or rewritten for inclusion in SkotOS 2.0. The rest of this document will be preoccupied with this older code.

Verbs, Actions and Events

For text-based games, a good command parser is vital. While Skotos started out with a generally hard-coded grammar, at this point we've switched almost entirely to a very generic English syntax. Very briefly, we have:

    [verb] [preposition 1] [noun phrase 1] [preposition 2] [noun phrase 2] ...
    [verb] [noun phrase 1] [preposition 2] [noun phrase 2] ...
    > wave at the sky with my sword
    > wave my sword at the sky
We also allow a single adverb before the verb, before any preposition, or after the last noun phrase, and the last portion of any command may be a free-form evocation, so e.g.
    > cheerfully wave my sword at the sky
    > cheerfully wave my sword at the sky, "We're victorious!!"
Over time, it became clear that this is a sufficiently powerful engine to implement just about any physical instruction a game could require. The benefits of having a single, centralized syntax for commands has been debated endlessly elsewhere and I will not go into it here; I take it for granted that the days of LPMud 'add_action()' style parsing are long gone, and good riddance.

Architecturally, the parser belongs to the text interface module. The idea of the English language must not be central to a virtual world simulation. Thus we introduce the idea of an 'action'. For example, 'get' and 'take' are verbs that map to the same action. For simplicity, we call the action 'take' as well, but it is vital to remember that actions and verbs are entirely distinct concepts -- one is a medium-agnostic feature of the virtual world, the other is a syntactic construct. It sometimes helps to imagine a Quake engine interface, where e.g. double-clicking on a treasure chest might trigger a 'get' or 'open' action, without a verb ever being involved.

The idea of an event is fairly intuitive; something happens somewhere that is of interest to some objects. A developer who wants an object to react to some event will generally attach a Merry script to an aptly named property on an aptly chosen object. The details are too voluminous to include here.

Lots of things cause events to fire in SkotOS; the most important event source is probably the action. Whenever there is an in-world action, regardless of what triggered it -- a player verb, a NPC script, whatever -- an event is fired, or rather, four phases of the event:

Describing the full event system in detail requires an entire document in itself. We shall have to stop with this simplistic summary -- except for one last observation --

The default output for the 'desc' action, described above, warrants further examination. Imagine that you are looking through the eyes of the sword -- or the sky -- you'd see something like,

    Zell cheerfully waves you at the sky, "We're victorious!!"
    Zell cheerfully waves a sword at you, "We're victorious!!"
The clever reader will have noted that even though I made a point earlier of separating the idea of verb and action, here we are with an action relying on verbs to construct default output. It is true that the dependency goes both ways and the relationship is complicated. As long as there is any text output in a game, even a Quake style game, something similar to verb-defining objects will be needed, even if the player never types a single line of text.

The engine that creates the correct output for each listener is incestously entwined with other components in SkotOS 1.*, but will become a separate and fundamental part of SkotOS 2.0. It has quite a few interesting abilities, for which we do not have time here.


Nearly all interrogation and manipulation of objects from within Merry and SAM is done through the properties exported by the object. Initially a simple mapping of string keys to mixed opaque values, properties have with time become complicated, dynamic beasts.

Each object still has only a single set of properties, and that set is still backed up by a single mapping that allows external objects to store and retrieve values. Overlaying this mapping, however, are virtual properties, the evaluation of which triggers underlying LPC. Quering for the 'base:environment' property of a physical object, for example, yields that object's current environment, even though the internal environment pointer is stored in a low-level LPC attribute.

Finally, setting a property on an object fires an event. This is the latest evolution of properties as the de-facto API of in-game objects, as it allows developers to hook complicated Merry scripts up to react to changes in properties. Thus setting the 'is-lit' property of a cigarette to true, for example, could kick-start the Merry script that lets it slowly burn down to the filter with atmospheric effects.


SkotOS objects tend to be luridly described and generally have a lot of space-consuming state associated with them. A well-crafted sword will have a details for the blade, the hilt, the edge, the pommel... each detail will have a brief, a long and an examine description. This adds up to a lot of text, and takes up a lot of space.

If there are six hundred players running around the world with identical swords, then, is it not foolish for each of their swords to contain exact redundant copies of the same descriptions?

Well, yes. Suicidal, in fact... and thus the need for "Ur-parents", the SkotOS approach to dataspace inheritance. LPC inheritance is not used in SkotOS to distinguish one world object from another -- all world objects are typically clones of exactly the same DGD object. The behaviour of an object is dictated by its state, not by its programmatic class. Ur objects allow clones to inherit each others state.

An object may have at most one parent, but a parent may have any number of children. Now if I clone a new, fresh, empty world object A and set its parent to S, the sword mentioned above, then every query for a non-transient attribute on A will in fact return the value held in S. In effect, I will be holding a duplicate of S, without pointlessly hogging memory for duplicated descriptions.

As A acquires state of its own, the values returned change. For some attributes, such as descriptions, A's state simply overrides that of S. For others, such as mass, multiplication occurs -- if A's local mass value is set to 1.1, the perceived mass of A is 110% of that of S.

In practice, a Skotos game consists of huge libraries of ur objects -- blueprints, so to speak -- that are never in actual use; never even acquire an environment. In the actual world, nearly every object -- player bodies included -- is a 'spawn'; a simple, near-empty child of some ur-parent.

The Virtual World

SkotOS 1.* had a fairly extensive virtual world simulation written in LPC. At this point, Merry and SAM are so powerful that for SkotOS 2.0, much of that simulation should be moved into the scripting layer. A partial feature list:

In addition, there's a rather involved clothing/weapon system where articles of clothing cover subsets of body parts and obscure one another; there's low-level support for safe trading -- is object A being offered by object B to object C? There's generic skill support, the sex of an object, and a few other attributes that no longer belong -- if they ever did -- in the same abstraction layer as the physical simulation.
Generated on Sun Aug 29 23:05:24 2004 for SkotOS by doxygen 1.3.7